Hey there. You probably already search few pages of our MedicPress WordPress theme before you came here. You could see many different elements or widgets nicely spread through the demo site but we also want to show you all of them in one place. With the list bellow, you can make unlimited different layouts where the limit is only your imagination.

Featured Page

With featured page widget you can on simple way show and link on your other pages. Take a look at the same featured page with different settings bellow.

MedicPress Icons

Opening Time

Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
Not working
Monday - Friday
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
Lunch Break
9:15 - 9:45
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
8:00 - 16:00
Friday - Sunday
8:00 - 12:00

Icon Box

Healing Icon

We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

Crutch Icon

We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

Heart Rate Monitor

We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

Test Tube Icon

We pride ourselves on our prompt service experience.

Full-Width Call To Action

This is a WordPress theme made by power elite author.

Latest News

Être parent avec la sclérose en plaques

Être parent avec la sclérose en plaques

Être parent avec la sclérose en plaques. C’est l'un des plus grands plaisirs de ma vie. Mais aussi l'un des…

Regardez notre enfant grandir en fauteuil roulant !

Regardez notre enfant grandir en fauteuil roulant !

Regardez notre enfant grandir en fauteuil roulant ! Les étrangers sont sans cesse étonnés de regarder notre enfant de quatre…

Read more

Brochure Box

Social Icons


Icon List

Emergency number
Emergency number

Time Table


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8:00 - 10:00 Laboratory Analysis Consultation Pediatric Clinic Consultation Laboratory Analysis Consultation
10:00 - 14:00 Laboratory Analysis Consultation Consultation Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Analysis Consultation
14:00 - 15:00 Lecture Dentists Office Consultation Lunch Dentists Office Lecture
15:00 - 18:00 Consultation Meeting Consultaion Laboratory Analysis Consultation Meeting
18:00 - 24:00 Viewing equipment Meeting Clinic Work Urgent Work Viewing equipment Meeting

Pricing Lists

ProteusCare+ Insurance $80/month

Our members are the national insurance associations in 35 countries. Members are the national insurance associations in a lot of countries.

Surgery Included

World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish. The financial burden of battling cancer can be overwhelming.

Recovery Room $100/night

The financial burden of battling cancer can be overwhelming. World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish.

ProteusCare+ $80/month
Surgery Included
Recovery Room $100/night
ProteusCare+ $80/month
Surgery Included

Person Profiles

5th Floor
Room 511
View Profile



On Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 the MedicPress+ Clinic is closed due to maintainance.
On Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 the MedicPress+ Clinic is closed due to maintainance.

Contact Us Froms


    Objet :ContributionInformationEchantillonOffre partenaireAutres

    Isialys - société à responsabilité limitée de droit français situé à Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou (49124), 41 rue Maurice Geslin - tel 0241870312 – email : service.clients.isialys@bd.com (« Isialys ») traitera vos données personnelles comme décrit dans la Politique de confidentialité figurant sur le site Internet de isialys.fr (Isialys.fr/politiqueconfidentialité).
    Pour pouvoir prendre contact avec vous, Isialys devra traiter certaines données personnelles. La loi européenne en vigueur sur la protection des données exige que vous donniez votre consentement pour qu’Isialys puisse traiter vos données personnelles pour vous adresser des communications par e-mail et pour vous rappeler.
    Vous donnez votre consentement figurant ci-dessous de manière entièrement volontaire. Vous pouvez révoquer votre consentement à tout moment en envoyant une note à cet effet à service.clients.isialys@bd.com ou par téléphone au Cette révocation entrant en vigueur à réception. La révocation d’un consentement n’affecte pas la légalité du traitement des données de manière rétroactive.

    Je consens à ce que Isialys me contacte par téléphone et m’envoie des informations par e-mails et consens au traitement par Isialys de mes données personnelles afin d’effectuer cette demande de prise contact.

    Make an Appointment Forms

      Isialys - société à responsabilité limitée de droit français situé à Saint-Barthélemy-d'Anjou (49124), 41 rue Maurice Geslin - tel 0241870312 – email : service.clients.isialys@bd.com (« Isialys ») traitera vos données personnelles comme décrit dans la Politique de confidentialité figurant sur le site Internet de isialys.fr (Isialys.fr/politiqueconfidentialité).
      Pour pouvoir prendre contact avec vous, Isialys devra traiter certaines données personnelles. La loi européenne en vigueur sur la protection des données exige que vous donniez votre consentement pour qu’Isialys puisse traiter vos données personnelles pour vous adresser des communications par e-mail et pour vous rappeler.
      Vous donnez votre consentement figurant ci-dessous de manière entièrement volontaire. Vous pouvez révoquer votre consentement à tout moment en envoyant une note à cet effet à service.clients.isialys@bd.com ou par téléphone au Cette révocation entrant en vigueur à réception. La révocation d’un consentement n’affecte pas la légalité du traitement des données de manière rétroactive.

      Je consens à ce que Isialys me contacte par téléphone et m’envoie des informations par e-mails et consens au traitement par Isialys de mes données personnelles afin d’effectuer cette demande de prise contact.


      Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.
      MedicPress reiterates the pledge to help all and give hope to those who have lost hope. In this endeavor, while we have the best of an expert team of doctors taking care of the patients at one hand; we have an exemplary team of voluntary physicians and retired physicians who provide medical assistance to the not so wealthy class from negligible to no cost.
      No matter, what the story or situation is; Trust us to be there to help all and make things well again. With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life.
      Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible. Open 24/7; patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.
      Located in the heart of the city,MedicPress is a state-of-the-art medical center which is striving towards its commitment to provide comprehensive health care services to the residents as well as any patient walking in at the most affordable cost.
      MedicPress reiterates the pledge to help all and give hope to those who have lost hope. In this endeavor, while we have the best of an expert team of doctors taking care of the patients at one hand; we have an exemplary team of voluntary physicians and retired physicians who provide medical assistance to the not so wealthy class from negligible to no cost.
      No matter, what the story or situation is; Trust us to be there to help all and make things well again. With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life.
      Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible. Open 24/7; patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      Google Maps Widget

      Google Maps Widget allows you to upload a custom style of map from Snazzy Maps. It also allows you to upload your own map marker (pin). You can choose from full-width map like on "Contact Us" page to boxed version like here.

      Parallax background

      We ensure that each patient is made to feel at

      home and well looked after at all stages of life.

      Embedded Video

      Embedded Facebook Post

      Embedded Twitter Post

      Full-width Columns with Background

      With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.

      With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.

      With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible.

      Columns and Layouts

      With the clinic’s family oriented policies and extremely caring and sympathetic staff, we ensure that each patient is made to feel at home and well looked after at all stages of life. Keeping a cheerful staff and a relaxed ambiance, we strive to make each patient as comfortable and happy as possible. Open 24/7; patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 




      Featured Icon

      Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

      Featured Icon

      Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

      Featured Icon

      Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service. Experience our service and care once, and we are confident of becoming your exclusive choice. 

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting. We pride ourselves on our prompt service.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.

      Open patients are encouraged to book appointments with us at their own convenient time and spend the minimum time waiting.